Lockdown 34/47 - Planking

Day 34 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our national lockdown (extended from 28 to 47 days: 33 at level 4, 14 at L3) – in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Yaaaay! Still the new job, STAY HOME, be kind, but it’s now L3 - “lockdown light”! No real change for me but it feels like an end to lockdown is in sight.

My daughter sent me some cool pics from China - she’s in a restaurant with her workmates! The food looks so good (it’s Sichuan province after all)!! I’m not missing KFC but I’d so love to go out for lovely Chinese food. And no masks! She said the tracking app they’re using means they don’t need masks in restaurants now. This could be our future. So lets just think about lovely meals out and not even mention Big Brother.

I’ve been sent some cool pics from Tolkien fans in Poland - so Covid appropriate! Thanks Dan and the team. They really made me smile. Looks such fun.

Thanks also to my friends for encouraging comments about dialing back on all the disheartening news - a friend saw this phenomenon described as “doomscrolling”. What a delicious word - totally captures it. So I have a new plan for my news hunger - I’m going to resume an old practice of listening to Radio France International (RFI) news broadcasts en francais facile. This gives a different angle on the news and helps me brush up on my very very rusty French. Win-win!

So yesterday, I turned to the gym (aka the Fan Museum!) instead of doomscrolling - and I must have worked out some frustrations because I scored 2 personal bests (PBs)!!

I’m on a mission that seems like Mt Everest to claw back from complete unfitness, and I was chuffed with yesterday’s progress. I cracked 2km on the rowing machine in my interval training set, plus (drumroll …) I held a plank for a count of 60. Thank you, thank you - Kathy takes a bow!

I just had to shout out about these PBs because they felt like such achievements. Still a long way to go but I’m on the journey. Think of it as getting to Rivendell …

So, I’m just going to take the points and not feel too guilty over the extra eating that comes with lockdown. That’s my message for today, celebrate the small wins! Best wishes, Kathy xx