And so it continues ...

Day 3 of 3 - now extended to 7 days of lockdown at our highest level of Covid alert - level 4.

More cases of the Delta variant in the community - including 3 in Wellington, our town. But, still encouraging that it’s the same cluster, all connected to the first case identified in Auckland. So maybe we’ll be out of lockdown early next week - hope!

At the same time, New South Wales leaders are preparing their State - and all Australia - for having to live with Covid, managed via a high level of community vaccination. Will this also be our fate? What does the Mirror tell? Maybe ultimately, but seems like there’s lots of vaccinating to go before we can take that risk. And, disturbing research about the Pfizer vaccine maybe losing it’s protective efficacy after a period! It’s a worry but right now I’m just looking forward to being out of lockdown.

It’s been OK today - not as fun as going out for our bike ride yesterday. I learned that it’s quite difficult to go for a walk/run with a mask and glasses! I’ll have to figure out how to manage it better now that the lockdown is continuing.

I’ve done some good work on Theoden’s helmet today, but it’s slow and steady as she goes. My first time mixing up and slathering some plaster of Paris! Just worked on a dummy helmet and it was like icing a cake! I’m letting it dry to see if that will work as an option for coating and decorating the helmet. And I’ve been looking through some cool ornaments for the helmet from some stuff that was my Nan’s (she used to make incredible hats for a local theatre and she’s my heroine and inspiration). I’ve also fixed the helmet horse’s nose! It no longer looks like a dog??? Ahh, my life is made up of small things

I’m ok with small things if it’s the price of keeping us all safe. Sad but not surprised to read of Hobbiton’s temp closure today. At least I’m not the only LOTR museum that’s closed!

Wishing everyone a bit of joy in small things as we wait out our lockdown. Cheers, Kathy