Lockdown 20/28 – Hear Me Roar

Day 20 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our 4 week national lockdown - in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Ever so slight itchy feet are starting to set in in the new job of STAY HOME, be kind. It’s the middle of the 3rd week of lockdown, and I am not alone it chafing to resume a more normal life.

But, as in LOTR, there may be no real going back.

Yesterday I went for an evening walk with my beloved. We didn’t go to the Hobbit walk this time, we turned right instead!! We walked up Mt Albert (as opposed to Mt Victoria) and it was really beautiful. We walked through the historic Truby King house gardens in the setting sun. Just lovely.

We also walked through a park bordered by the upper fence of Wellington Zoo. A family was flying a kite - it yearned for freedom then dropped back to the ground. Symbolic!

Then a lion at the zoo began to roar. His roar was very loud. Was it frustration from being caged? Was it a need to express dominance as king of the jungle? I felt for him.

My blog is my roar! My star sign is Leo, so maybe I relate, not that I really take horoscopes too seriously.

It’s so good to have an outlet, even if it’s not always particularly profound. I wish all of those sharing the ongoing slog of lockdown their own roar. Let it out in your own way folks (no violence though please). Best wishes, Kathy xx