Lockdown 22/28 - Cool Fandom

Day 22 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our 4 week national lockdown - in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

It’s the last week of the new job of STAY HOME, be kind, and I’m ready for whatever comes!

I’m not really superstitious, but it was surely a good omen last night when I started reading my new e-book, Hilary Mantel’s long-awaited third volume of her fantastic Tudor trilogy about Thomas Cromwell, The Mirror & the Light. See if you spot the omen in the opening sentences.

“Once the Queen’s head is severed, he walks away. A sharp pang of appetite reminds him that it is time for a second breakfast, or perhaps an early dinner.”

OK, I bet ANYONE reading this blog needs no explanation!! This double Booker Prize-winning author must be a LOTR fan for sure! So, I’m in heady company, and it’s just another reminder that LOTR fandom is actually rather cool. (BTW, there’s a clue in the photo - credit to Aaron Nicholson for this shot near Te Anau of the actual location plus the “moment” in the film.)

And, further, it reminds me that running a Fan Museum celebrating JRR’s genius is a neat thing to do. I’m determined to keep going so that fans can share the joy of it. I know how much fun it is because I’ve had lots of fans through in the last couple of years, and it’s just such a blast to relive the heady excitement around the release of the PJ movies and channel favourite characters by dressing up and playing with swords, bows, axes and other props.

Thanks for comments on my costume work yesterday people. It’s super encouraging. So here’s another fave costume - Boromir. It’s a composite made from modifying a sari, tunic and faux leather coat to add “chain mail” sleeves and bracers, a jewelled collar, etc, etc. And, earlier this year, I made the Horn of Gondor! Such fun for me and everyone who wears the cossie. Both men and women love this costume. I don’t have a replica of Boromir’s sword, but most are content to wield Anduril!

It can be easy to lose oneself in fandom, but “this is not that day”. I’m always pulled back to the enormity of the current crisis and its cost. My thoughts are with people in the real world right now, but I still wish you the ability to have times of escape and joy. Best wishes, Kathy xx