Lockdown 26/28 – Countdown ...

Day 26 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our 4 week national lockdown - in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Today the new job of STAY HOME, be kind, could change (imagine crescendo of LOTR music) … as the PM is due to announce at 4pm this afternoon whether NZ moves down one step to Level 3 Alert.

I’m feeling too eager, I know, because there’s not much change for me at all (actually, almost NO change). But for what it’s worth from this landlocked corner of Middle Earth, I feel that the country needs just this little relaxation in order to keep moving forward.

So, here’s hoping. Also, I don’t know if L3 will be for a fixed period or indefinite, so I will have to consider the blogging …

What helps keep me going from the Museum perspective are some small excitements of unexpected new treasures - a parcel left by the gate yesterday and some cool LOTR-inspired photos from my dear sisters.

The parcel - OMG, I was totally blown away yesterday to find LOTR Monopoly! Thanks so much Kate, what an amazing kind thing to do! I didn’t already have it in my collection of LOTR games, and I am keen to explore options for online play - maybe in costume? Exciting!

On the photo front, one sister sent me Ent pics from a newly discovered copse of trees near her bunker in the Wairarapa - she hugged a tree for herself and for us all (maybe she’s an Entwife?). Another sister sent a quirky creative pic of street art - an Ent with flair?? A city Ent - shepherd of the streets?

It makes me laugh and makes me glad to be a home to LOTR fandom, even at such times.

Even though I so need to cut back on my news addiction, I can’t help myself. I hate the immensity of this world-wide emergency and the devastation to lives and economies. I love the heroism and day to day stoicism of many people, but it’s hard not to feel rage and despair at some of the actions going on. I wish everyone experiencing this crisis safety, more patience than I’m currently feeling, the continued love and support of family and friends, and good leadership. Best wishes, Kathy xx