Lockdown 27/47 – "I am no man!"

Day 27 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our national lockdown, which has been extended from 28 days to 47 (33 at level 4, 14 at L3) - in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Decision made - we’re extending the high level lockdown till the close of next Monday, then moving to 2 weeks of an only slightly lower level that allows more people to work safely in some areas, a bit more exercise and very slightly more connection in bubbles. Otherwise little change to the new job of STAY HOME, be kind, and no change for me, as I’ve previously noted.

I spent much of yesterday either waiting for the announcement or digesting. Plus the usual obsessive scanning of what’s happening in the world - some hope, more cases, more deaths, more craziness. And, tragic world events continue, including the Canadian shooting (our hearts go out to you from NZ).

There’s lots of things floating round in the virtual world to help keep people sane at home, and I’m enjoying people posting photos of their younger selves. So, I dug out an early photo which shows that I was Eowyn before I even read LOTR! “I am no man!!”

So, when I read the books maybe 10 years later, fandom was a given!

And, I had a joyous discovery last night that the provision of online jigsaws of the brilliant national art collection by Te Papa, our national museum, also allows you to “jigsaw” your own photos! I’ve already started seeing my Museum photos in a new way. Brilliant! Thank you so much, Te Papa! I salute you museum to museum (albeit a tiny one). Here’s search help for people to enjoy NZ cool art (and perhaps to jigsaw your own photos): https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/discover-collections/read-watch-play/online-jigsaw-puzzles-using-our-collections

So, now, another day to reflect on the new job and how to make something of the further time I’ve been given. I know there are lots of people out there chafing at their version of lockdown, and I wish you primarily safety, but also peace with it and the ability to find ways to make it meaningful. Best wishes, Kathy xx