Lockdown 13/28 – Good Leadership

Day 13 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our 4 week national lockdown - in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

In this new job to STAY HOME, be kind, it’s easy to stuff up. We’ve seen a dramatic example in our Government in the last day or so - a senior Minister (Health Minister!!) breaching the rules.

He got caught, he admitted fault, and has been punished by the PM - basically, she’s told him to throw himself in next time and rid us of his stupidity!

Some people are understandably angry, and some are baying for more blood.

I’m really struggling with the issues this raises - we’re in a delicate balance of national cooperation with a lockdown with coercive powers in the background. Nobody wants to turn this into a police state - I’m not even sure we’d want the level of lockdown that China imposed, but it’s really hard, especially as we’re starting to get the scent of an improvement …

I just love LOTR for the way it deals with human frailty and making mistakes, while still keeping on task. Gandalf carpeted Pippin when needed, but knew he was essential and redeemable. And, probably my favourite, is Boromir, and Aragorn’s moving salute. Boromir is flawed but a real hero, which is why he’s such a popular favourite among LOTR fans.

Getting through this is not ALL about leadership, but good leadership makes a huge difference and helps us stay the course even if we slip up. I commend JRR’s wisdom on the importance of wisdom and compassion with human (or hobbit) frailty. Compassion to all today, and wishing you good leadership. Best wishes, Kathy x