Lockdown 14/28 – Splendid Isolation

Day 14 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our 4 week national lockdown - in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but

Half way now in the new job of STAY HOME, be kind. But is it half way … there’s the odd word here and there that suggests it may go on longer??? How long is this piece of string? I daresay it will become clearer.

And, if I think my job is hard, then those in complete isolation have it even harder. My niece returned from Australia the night lockdown began, and is living in the little flat-ette below my sister’s house. This is her last day in isolation, so I bet everyone is super excited.

But, she doesn’t fear a cage! She’s an example to us all. I messaged her last week to see if she’d give me some feedback on her isolation. She replied “Oh hey Kath, I’m going well. How are you? I’ll have a look when I’m done with the working day”.

Say no more. What a splendid example to us all - including the Australian Government, which doesn’t sufficiently value its Kiwis.

And, a special acknowledgement to my daughter in China, who did 2 weeks isolation in the early days of this crisis in her tiny flat, all alone in a foreign land. Only her cat for company. At first she had trouble getting food, as her Mandarin wasn’t good enough to ask the building manager to collect her food deliveries!

I salute all those of you doing it hard in complete isolation during this time. Best wishes, Kathy x