Lockdown 39/47 - Well I'm back

Day 39 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our national lockdown (extended from 28 to 47 days: 33 at level 4, 14 at L3) – in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Still going on the new job of STAY HOME, be kind. Yesterday started tough but got better. Thanks to everyone who sent good wishes. I was obliged to say to some kind friends who urged not listening to distressing news, that “Not all tears are evil”.

It was actually a relief to just let it out. So made me realise how, underneath the relative ease of being locked down here in NZ where the Covid fight seems successful so far, there is a deep-seated anxiety and distress over the whole thing. A friend kindly sent me a discussion piece from a clinical psychologist about underlying anxiety created by the complete upheaval of Covid. The psych was commenting on loss of concentration span but I think there must be other impacts of subconscious anxiety, such as being triggered to sudden tears ...

Or, it could have been just a bad hair day!!!! Even the Fellowship got bad hair after a while, and that’s just what happens when you can’t get to the hairdresser. I notice that Stephen Colbert is looking pretty shaggy at the moment in his home studio!

I know hairdressing has remained allowed in some parts of Australia, but not here. In the RFI news just now, I heard that hairdressing will be one of the later things being reopened as they open up their economy again in a safe, managed way. So, we’re not alone.

But I can’t wait! Hopefully it’s not too far away to get a hair cut (and colour!) before my beloved realises too much about my “real” hair. My sister has been given a provisional hair appointment for 2 weeks away (assuming we continue to relax our lockdown) but I haven’t yet heard anything.

So I was moved to look back at some good hair day photos and reminisce, particularly the day my fab hairdresser gave me a LOTR hairstyle. Love it!

Sadly another death in NZ announced yesterday. I’m not so lost in bad hair anxiety that I forget why we’re locked down and my thoughts go out the family and to the families of all those still facing the worst of Covid. Best wishes, Kathy xx