After lockdown

For the last 2 plus weeks I’ve been reveling in NZ’s move to Level 2 alert and freedom from lockdown. We’re free to travel round NZ, but some things are still restricted and we have to practice social distancing and lots of sanitising.

There’s been some pretty distressing events in my family resulting from lockdown, but most of us are going OK.

I’ve been so loving the freedom. We went to see my mum in the Wairarapa (which is north of Wellington), and on the way we stopped in at Rivendell. I hoped to see the autumn trees but they had long moved into winter. But the weirdest thing was that it was completely empty! I may never see it again like this.

Other trips to Scorching Bay and out on the Wellington harbour ferry have been days of magic. We’ve had a long stretch of still, golden, autumnal weather which has soothed the post-Covid spirits. Our garden cherry tree has been a blaze of colour!

We’ve had 10 straight days of no Covid cases and it’s such a blessing. But other costs to peoples’ lives, social and economic wellbeing are still being counted and looking to get worse.

I was encouraged to have some visitors to the Fan Museum yesterday. A young German couple and their lovely baby boy who’ve lived here in Wellington for about 18 months. They’re total Tolkien fans and it was so incredibly joyful to share the Museum with them. The wee boy was a complete natural - he took Shelob out with the toy Sting without even ruffling his hair. He was the Museum’s youngest ever visitor. We all just relaxed into the visit and the only photos taken were for them - I’d love it if they share them but that’s their call (Yes!! they did, see below).

And, this morning (4am!!!) I watched the Josh Gad live Zoom with the LOTR cast. Many moments of tears for me as I watched along with probably millions of others. So good to see you all my friends! You all seem so very well. I love it that the magic is still there. Thank you for this gift, which attracted many donations to help feed hungry kids.

I, like many (including PJ) don’t want to return to the world as it was before. Soon I’m going to be reopening the Fan Museum on a by arrangement basis with appropriate health precautions. It’s going to be free, and I hope locals will take up the chance to have a bit of nostalgic LOTR fun. At the very least I will enjoy it hugely.

I know things are still looking pretty dire in the Covid world right now and that’s hugely upsetting. But seeing the LOTR cast “together” fills me with such hope. Best wishes to everyone - we will get through this! The sun will shine out again. Best wishes, Kathy xx