Hobbiton Revisited

“Well, I’m back.”

We escaped from Wellington for a NZ trip - as suggested by our government to help revive our economy post our Covid-19 lockdown. So, where did we go … HOBBITON of course!

It was my first time back since Liz and I went on our pilgrimage in November 2003, before the world premiere of The Return of the King.

And it’s literally a new world. In 2003 it was a semi-dismantled set. Liz and I were visitors 11,000 and 11,001. It had only been operating since October 2002. The tourist set began when unauthorised visitors came to the site which was being demolished after the LOTR movies. Luckily for fans, the film company and farm owners agreed for it to remain open for visitors. But, restoration wasn’t permitted.

Then … The Hobbit changed everything. The site was rebuilt into the fantastic, fully formed Hobbiton that fans can now enjoy.

Liz and I had a magical time in 2003 - we didn’t need a developed set to bliss out. Our imaginations recreated Hobbiton in our minds and we were in fan heaven.

I don’t know why I hadn’t been back till now. Confession - I was waiting for an invitation! But, I’m over myself now and it was super cool to support our local tourist spot by going back on one of the last weekdays of Level 2 Covid-19 Alert. It was neat to be there with other NZrs (and surprisingly many overseas tourists as well) when it wasn’t quite as massively busy as it has been.

And, what a fantastic experience. I dragged the beloved along, though he’s not a fan. And he loved it too.

We had great tour guides on both adventures - thanks Waka and Mike! The first time, the guides still hadn’t quite mastered the fan tourism concept. On the minibus ride from the visitor centre (the only way to tour Hobbiton in those days), the commentary was about Matamata’s stud farms and horse racing. Now, the visitor centre in Matamata is itself a hobbit house, there’s also a dedicated reception on site at the farm (Shire’s Rest), a large bus takes you from there onto the farm and to the movie site, and en route there’s a televised welcome from PJ and the Alexander family plus music and film footage to get you in the hobbit zone. Quite a difference!!

And, the new Hobbiton is a magical place. It’s perfectly formed right down to the tiniest detail, including smoke in the chimneys, gardens, tools, washing lines, scarecrow, signposts etc etc - and the wonderful bridge, water mill and Green Dragon pub certainly weren’t there in 2003. The only thing that had suffered in the 17 years was the party tree - it’s not quite as splendid as it was.

And, I also got to briefly meet Mr Alexander, who was doing gate opening duty letting buses on to the farm. I recognised him from the televised welcome. I said I’d last been in 2003 …

What a great experience and a so beautiful spot - both times! PJ, you nailed it! So, here’s a few before and after photos. Go if you can, it’s neat! Cheers, Kathy