Lockdown 43/47 – Blades

Day 43 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our national lockdown (extended from 28 to 47 days: 33 at level 4, 14 at L3) – in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Bad hair continues to plague me in my new job of STAY HOME, be kind. Yes, that’s right … I cut my fringe!!!

Even as I was doing it, my mind was replaying over and over that hilarious skit by NZ comedian Tom Sainsbury of cutting his own hair at home (I think I even re-posted on my FB page). But I wasn’t laughing this time. Arghhh.

Fortunately, I’m about to put a cycle cap on and go out on a ride, so nobody will be able to see my fringe. And, thank goodness for social distancing except … I wish I wasn’t doing zoom drinks with my former workmates this afternoon. Maybe I won’t be the only one wearing a hat? Maybe I’ll join in a bit late after folks have already had a drink??

I’ve received my provisional hair appointment - it’s in a month! OMG, how will I wait that long?

How did Frodo, Sam and all the other LOTR pilgrims (except Legolas of course) cope with their unruly hair as time went on? Maybe they used their swords and daggers for more than just dealing to the bad guys?

Does LOTR, as usual, provide a timely lesson? Sure it does - having good hair is less important than the larger mission! It should go without saying, but just at that moment when I’m wielding the hair scissors and then coping with the consequences, I’m feeling a whisper of rebellion.

My message for today is the need to forgive ourselves for those times when we resent lockdown. It’s OK. It’s enough that we’re doing it guys. Best wishes, Kathy xx