Lockdown 45/47 – Out and about

Day 45 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our national lockdown (extended from 28 to 47 days: 33 at level 4, 14 at L3) – in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Yesterday I expanded the new job of STAY HOME, be kind, to take a family member for some outpatient surgery - yes, the good news is that our hospitals are back at work on non-Covid activity. This is really great.

So, I did my biggest drive in 6 weeks, and it was quite fun. Novel to be held up at stop/go’s. Novel to be in lines of traffic. I guess this novelty will wear off soon, but it felt strangely free. Unlike Gandalf, I had a memory of this place!

I did grocery shopping while waiting for the surgery which didn’t seem as bad as when I last shopped 4 weeks ago. This included some flowers for the patient. Then I waited in the hospital grounds, noticing a sweet little sculpture for the first time.

The surgery went well, and I took the patient back home to rest up. A successful mission - more the Hobbit than LOTR.

I’m late posting today for no good reason. I’ve just been lazing around. Another brilliant day in Wellington and I’m just back from a walk up in the hills near the entrance to our beautiful harbour. It was a part of our walkway system that I’ve not been before and it was fantastic. There’s an amazing sculpture acknowledging Kupe, a famed Maori navigator. There’s gun emplacements from WWII.

Lots of people out enjoying the sun. All of us courteously social distancing as we pass each other. Splendid views. Kids playing in a field. Is there a hint of “normal” in the air?

At the same time as we’re starting to look forward to better times in NZ, I read that some countries are still in the thick of it. I read a FB post by a NYC nurse and I just feel so sorry for those who don’t know whether to go out or stay home. We’re still all in this together people, so I wish you all the kindness in the world. Best wishes, Kathy xx