Lockdown 46/47 – Mothers Day

Day 46 of my diary of a LOTR Fan Museum owner during our national lockdown (extended from 28 to 47 days: 33 at level 4, 14 at L3) – in NZ we’re uniting as a country to beat Covid-19 to break the chain and save lives, but …

Potentially only 1 more day to go on the new job of STAY HOME, be kind, but I’m picking that we won’t start Level 2 till Thursday (which would make it 49 days of lockdown) - so let’s see what happens.

Meantime, today is another of our special days on the NZ events calendar. It’s Mothers Day, where mothers are celebrated. As usual, I haven’t heard from my kids - they’re pretty intermittent about whether they contact me (usually it needs a prompt from the beloved), but actually, I don’t mind. I’m happy they’re doing their thing. And, one’s in China so can be forgiven for not keeping up with NZ days of significance. I plan to contact them, though, just to make sure they’re both OK (update - they did contact me, which was just lovely).

But, I’ve just come off a video call with my mum and my siblings, which was very nice. Mum seemed pretty delighted, too. So, a great thing to do. Maybe just the talking (due to lockdown) is a nicer way to honour our mums than all the usual commercial card and gift-giving usually associated with the day.

So blessed to have mum with us. She’s a wonderful person with a wicked sense of humour. My close friends envy me today, reminding me that they’ve lost their parents.

Mum’s such a wonderful support for the Fan Museum too. She is a very talented sewer and we sewed up a storm together making capes for the World Premiere of Return of the King in 2003, and she’s helped with various costumes both sewing and as technical advisor. She also made the LOTR cushions in the Fan Museum, which are often admired by visitors. They’re so cute!

I cherish her and look forward to visiting her as soon as we commence Level 2.

So, a huge salute to all those mothers out there. Celebrate your mothers! And, if you are a mother, I hope you are feeling well and loved and that your family is safe. Best wishes, Kathy xx