
Well, it seems like Sam is right about the glimpse of a white star of hope … for the Fan Museum at least, because things are still pretty dire outside NZ.

This last week or so has been a reawakening for the Museum and Sam’s words again speak to my feeling of hope:

“I don't know how to say it, but after last night I feel different. I seem to see ahead, in a kind of way … and … I must see it through”

We had a really cool profile from the local newspaper, the Dominion-Post, including a neat online video clip. A fellowship joined me to costume up and show people just how fun it is at the Museum. It was hilarious and we had the press photographer laughing by the end. She was even tempted to get into costume with us, and at the end she agreed with me that it’s great to have more fun in our lives!

Thank you for that Dom-Post. And thanks to my fellowship - Heath, Bronny, Bri, Rusty, Jack, Alex, Sven and Sarah, you all ROCK! With a bit of luck you can find the video clip of our antics on this link:

And then the visitors …. yahoo!! It felt like there were heaps - some buddies, two lovely fan families, a neat group of 12, and someone just turning up. I also had a visit from my mum’s sewing group to share tips about making costumes. It’s just so fantastic to be sharing the Museum again!

So, it looks like there is a star of hope for the Museum after all. I was wrong to despair at times during the lockdown, when I just couldn’t see a way forward. Now, I am privileged to be able to give people some fun in these times that remain hard for many. I’m just going to keep following that star and see what happens. Best wishes, Kathy xx