Reflecting on treasure

I’ve recently been looking at some of the Museum’s mathoms afresh and I’m seeing with different eyes nearly 20 years after the release of the LOTR movies.

One of our favourite treasures in the Museum is Peter Jackson’s letter to me and my sister Heather, thanking us for the fan letter we sent him just before ROTK.

In fact, we sent him a letter and a gift. In homage to PJ’s trademark purple shirts, we embroidered a purple shirt with motifs from the movie. We put rings on the cuffs and some cool bits and bobs down between the buttons - a leaf brooch, Gandalf’s hat, the broken sword Narsil, a hobbit pipe, Gimli’s axe, the Great Eye, and the white hand of Saruman. And, on the back, we embroidered a large white tree of Gondor.

We had such fun doing it and the end result was fantastic (in all modesty) - my then boss told me so, and he wasn’t a LOTR fan! And, we were so pleased with it that when we sent it off to PJ with a covering letter we cheekily hoped he might wear it at the premiere.

He didn’t! But early the following year he did send us a letter saying it was “definitely one of the best fan letters I have received”. So, he clearly liked it, and we were stoked to get the letter.

I’ve been looking at that letter again just recently. Now, finally, I’m able to pull back a little from the pleasure of knowing he liked our gift and I’m focusing properly on what else he had to say. After all this time, it’s wonderful to read, because PJ talks about what the films and the ROTK world premiere meant to HIM! He said:

“I hope you enjoyed yourselves on the day of the premiere. To see so many people joining in and celebrating our films was incredible. I don’t think I will ever have a day like that again. It was a truly humbling experience.

“I find it quite hard to believe the trilogy is finally over. THE LORD OF THE RINGS has been such a huge part of my life for so long now I think I am going to find it hard to let go.”

Thank you for these words PJ. It is actually humbling for US that you have shared your feelings about what the films meant to you!

I sincerely hope after all these years that you have been able to let the hard work and stress go while retaining the joy! I know for myself and the many fans who have visited the Museum that the magic still goes on. I salute you Sir.

Best wishes, Kathy xx