Open again - almost on Hobbit Day!

Tomorrow is Hobbit Day, 22 September, because it’s both Bilbo’s and Frodo’s birthday. And, three years ago to the day we launched The One Room Fan Museum !!

But, in 2020 the Museum has mostly been closed due to Covid-19. But, GREAT NEWS - the Museum is opening again as most of NZ returns to Level 1 Covid Alert.

I’d like to reopen tomorrow, on Hobbit Day, but instead it’s the day after - Wednesday 23 September. Contact me by email or text to arrange a visit (see Visit page).

Why is it 23 September rather than 22? Because my daughter is moving flats and I have to help her move a refigerator …

Yes, that’s a day in the life of a Museum operator / mum. I wouldn’t swap it for anything. Best wishes, Kathy xx