LOTR enchants kids too!

The Fan Museum has been having a new adventure - welcoming more NZ families and young kids into the magic of Lord of the Rings and dressing up as hobbits, dwarves and elven princesses!

In these Covid times there are fewer tourists seeking Lord of the Rings fun (though probably not for the ever exciting Weta Cave), so I needed to get more creative. A few families have visited over the past few years and they’ve had lots of fun. So, this seemed something locals might like to do - especially if they’re touristing in their own country like we’ve all been encouraged to do. The LOTR movies are a cool part of NZ and Wellington history that we can revel in.

There’s over of 30 fan made and replica costumes at the Museum, but few were suitable for the younger set. So I started sewing …

Now I’ve been trying out the new costumes on young visitors (my kids are long grown up) and it’s utterly magic!

Kids can be pretty honest critics as all parents know. So here’s some feedback so far:

“This was better than I thought it was going to be” Age 10 (I love this!)

“Amazing fun! Awesome! Stellar and amazing! Full of creativity, weapons!!!” (Group of age 9s)

“[My son] wrote about you at school too … Thank you again for the brilliant fun” Mum of age 5

“I don’t want to change into any other costumes” Age 3, completely satisfied with her elf princess dress and crown while her brother tried on 7 costumes

I love it when Wellington families come (no offence to the rest of NZ tho) because LOTR is a special memory for us. I was so honoured when a dad who was an extra in LOTR was loving sharing his fun memories with his son. And another visit that touched my heart was parents giving their 10 year old a LOTR day out for his birthday!

So, the adventure is working I think, but more testing needed … And I’m up for more feedback!! The foam and plastic weapons and Gollum, goblin and dragon masks seem to be going down a treat too! (And, if costumes aren’t your thing, there’s lego, colouring and games too.)

It’s free, but I love getting donations in my hobbit kettle!

Thanks to my young visitors and their families - it’s a joy to have you here. Cheers, Kathy