The right words

Day 8 of the highest level of Covid alert lockdown (L4) in NZ to combat an outbreak of the Delta variant in the community. Extended from finishing midnight last night (7 days) till Friday - and Auckland goes till next week. But it’s not certain the rest of NZ will come out of lockdown on Friday, it may be extended depending on the cases.

So, I haven’t blogged for the last 2 days. I just couldn’t find the words or the energy. Time went so slow - and yet at the same time it went so fast!

Usually I have no trouble finding words, hopefully words that are a little thoughtful. But these last couple of days I had nothing. Second lockdown is so different. Some people said there wouldn’t be the same flurry of breadmaking etc as there was the first time, but my mates seem to be as creative as ever. So, it’s just me maybe.

My bestie Liz in Melbourne is on her 6th lockdown. How do you do it? Kudos to all you guys.

I think the outbreak is getting under control and I’m not so afraid as I was when I last posted, but I’m just feeling bleh! But, tomorrow is another day (oops, wrong movie) … there is still hope, that’s what my heart tells me.

And the helmet is nearly done - really just the varnishing to go. I think it’s going to look so great with the armour and I can hardly wait for visitors to come and try the whole outfit. But I’ll have to wait of course. Lockdown. And things never quite ramp up after that either. So, patience, patience, patience, grrr, grrr, grrr.

I posted a pic of the helmet on a Tolkien group site, and someone commented that they just don’t get it about adults dressing up as fantasy characters - too weird. Whoa??? What’s to get?

It’s just a bit of fun. I can say that after having had hundreds of people visit the Fan Museum and tell me what fun they’re having - even the initially reluctant. But even if it’s not everyone’s thing most of us are a bit weird in some way and it’s cool that we’re all different. Tolkien’s words speak to so many of us and I’m proud to be one of that number.

Thanks to friends and family for sending encouraging messages in my blobbiness, it’s really helping. I wish such comforts to everyone in these Covid times. And, get your weirdness on!! Yeah!! Cheers, Kathy