Check out this vlog!!

Day 9 of the highest level of Covid alert lockdown (L4) in NZ to combat an outbreak of the Delta variant in the community. L4 was extended from finishing midnight Tuesday till Friday - and Auckland goes till next week. Bit it ain’t going to finish on Friday night, is anyone going to take a bet with me?? With cases still rising overall I can’t see Wellington at least coming out of lockdown soon.

Maybe a drop to L3, “lockdown light”? That would let more shops open, more people work, possibly more access to schooling materials for kids, travel a bit further. Not much freedom, but better than nothing I recall.

But while cases are rising, so are vaccinations so that’s actually rather brilliant.

I actually have been feeling pretty mouldy and finally guilt overcame me and I contacted the Dr about whether to get a Covid test. Yes, I’m having it tomorrow afternoon. Bleh. Neither the doc nor I think it’s Covid, but we’re just being careful.

But feeling ratty only stopped me blogging whereas I’ve kept happily crafting on Theoden’s helmet. Pleased to report that it’s done!!! I’m stoked with it!! Theoden is now ready to lead the Rohirrim into battle at Pelennor - “Death, death, death …”.

Actually, yours truly was part of the voice group that did that chanting. My brother in law’s footy team got the call in mid 2003 to do sound recording and my sis and I went along (the only gals) for 2 hours (maybe more) of running around a football field and making crowd sound effects. My fave was “Grond, Grond, Grond …”. I lost my voice for 3 days after that wonderful afternoon.

But, what am I going to do to fill the lockdown time now??? I’m gestating a couple more craft projects but they take a while to put into action. Fun to plan though.

But maybe I’ll just follow more TV and FB? I’ve been so enjoying Couch Kumara’s daily vlog of flatting life under lockdown. Just a total crackup. I think I’m going to stop blogging now and defer to them as their effort is tops. A cutting but hilarious insight into flatting life in lockdown. Mockumentary at it’s deadpan best. (NB, Couch Kumara made the Fan Museum’s movie and they totally totally rock!) Thanks guys, Your vlogs are helping me cope, I’m feeling so much more competent!!!! Here’s a link to just one of the vlogs but just visit their FB site and enjoy!! Andrew needs to write his CV, and so he's vacuuming -

There’s some pretty cool lockdown stuff around, which is fun. So, I’m off to “stretch” my legs … and get my warrior on. “I am no man!” Except that I am a man in this costume but that’s the fun. Wishing everyone a bit of fun at home. Cheers, Kathy