Testing times

Day 10 of Level 4 lockdown in NZ (our highest level) as we’re trying to combat an outbreak of the Delta variant.

And I was right - in Wellington we’re not out of lockdown tomorrow, but I was wrong that it wouldn’t be soon. We and everywhere in NZ apart from Auckland and Northland are from next Wed dropping to L3 - lockdown light - for another week. Auckland and Northland have another two weeks of L4, and the PM signalled that Auckland may yet go another 2 weeks beyond that due to the scale of the outbreak.

Here’s to you my fellow country folk - you’re doing it hard in Auckland and Northland, and my thoughts are with you! Here in Welly and elsewhere the move to L3 is welcome, although it’s still pretty restricted. But it opens up a few new things which is nice.

I’m actually pretty ready to “go home” now, as Sam said, ie, get out of L4 and back to our freedom. I totally accept the need for this but it’s hard. Not helped by being a bit under the weather this week, though I found that making Theoden’s helmet took my mind off that.

I finally went to the Dr for a Covid test today. Yes, I should have done it earlier and I feel bad for that. It’s good it’s done and the Dr also found a rattle in the chest, which explains why I wasn’t feeling flash. Hopefully some antibiotics will fix that and restore some energy.

I had such a fear of the Covid test as the one I had last year hurt a lot, but the nurse was so gentle today that it was easy as. I wish I’d gone earlier. I am sure I don’t have the virus but at least I could have made sure I wasn’t contributing to the outbreak spread earlier. I apologise my fellow NZrs. Kind friends counselled and encouraged me to go for the test, and I thank you.

I’m trying to think of my next LOTR costume project - I’m thinking of making Pippin’s Gondorian tower guard outfit. It would be kid sized for the younger set of visitors to the fan Museum. I like the idea, but I’m going to need help from a friend who’s talented with the sewing machine (she’s the one that made the sleeves for the Legolas costume I made last year). Happily she said to me just the other day that she’d like to sew another costume with me! Yes, actual dressmaking is the side of costume-making that I just can’t do. It will be a fellowship project!

I’m isolating at home after the Covid test now but without a project to keep me occupied. I love people’s ideas about other things to do, especially as the weather looks pretty wet … so please do keep any ideas coming friends!

So, I’m off for an early night after the hectic activity of getting tested. Yes, having a chest infection is that tiring. Hope other folk are keeping well in their lockdown. Best wishes, Kathy