Hobbit and Museum Birthday!

On 22 September 2021 it’s Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday and the 4-year anniversary of opening The One Room Fan Museum!

Bilbo and Frodo are ageless - perhaps due to a certain Ring - but certainly due to the talent of JRR and latterly PJ.

But the Fan Museum is still a baby and I’m still not sure what it’s going to be when it grows up.

Despite it’s youth there’s still a wealth of memories to this point. I well remember the crazy idea, the long road to opening, and the fabulous launch party on Friday 22 September 2017.

Liz and I cut a ceremonial ribbon over the fireplace and it was all on! There was a fabulous themed spread - Bag End at one end of the table with “Rings” (bagels) and various dips, and Mt Doom and the dark tower at the other end with “stones” (meatballs, felafels, firey sauces)!

And, we sang the Museum’s film song - Jesse (writer/performer) played the guitar and several of us Liz, me, Heather, Finn (our film director) and others sang loudly and probably badly! We included some extra verses that I’d written.

We were a mighty fellowship at that celebration. A sole reporter from the local paper came along and took photos and told the story of a new museum.

Since then hundreds of people have visited the Fan Museum and we’ve had lots of fun together. And, it’s grown and grown. We now have over 30 adult costumes plus quite a few children’s ones, and many replica weapons and props. This is all down to various generous donations (thanks especially Rusty and Jack) and my ongoing collecting and costume making. The latest and most spectacular costume is Theoden’s armour and helmet. I’ve made this over the course of 2021 and finished in Covid lockdown in August. It’s super special too because it includes an Easter Egg from Richard Taylor - wee pieces made by Weta for Theoden’s actual costume.

Here’s some highlights of the last 4 years:

  • Liz’s surprise arrival at the 1-year anniversary and her constant support

  • Pete always

  • Befriending Jack and Alex

  • Watching the Museum movie and listening to the music - every time (you rock Finn and Jesse!)

  • Meeting Richard Taylor, Weta Workshop CEO, hearing his memories and being loaned some special items

  • Having other members of my fellowship with me sometimes when visitors come (thanks Heather, Rusty, Mum)

  • Welly-Moot costume picnics at Rivendell

  • Visitors - all special (but to name just a few - Sarah, Sven & Tom, Astrid & Carmen, Mike, Mary, Elf & Safety, Peter, Emily, Sanit, Lily, Cathy, Cindy & family, Lisa & family, Kelly, Dan & Halina, Morgaine & Tiphaine … and so many others!!)

But Covid has changed the landscape beyond recognition. I’ve never been this far from the Shire before and I don’t know where the road will lead. But, this adventure is still continuing and I hope to keep sharing it!

Happy birthday Frodo, Bilbo and the Fan Museum! Kathy xx