LOTR Costume Trail - Weta Workshop celebrates movies' 20th anniversary

It’s a gift to the foes of Mordor!!! Or at least the LOTR costume trail in Wellington NZ is a wonderful gift from Weta Workshop to the people of Wellington.

There are original hero costumes dotted around 8 locations in NZ’s capital city - a glorious treasure hunt.

Thank you Weta Workshop, it’s just so wonderful to see these amazing costumes again. They haven’t been seen for 20 years.

Remember that incredible exhibition in 2002 at Te Papa?? (It then toured the world.) Remember the Argonath standing tall at Te Papa’s entranceway? Remember that the exhibition had more visitors than any exhibition at Te Papa before or since? Remember that you couldn’t take photos inside the exhibition, only out front at the Argonath?

Well, I can tell you that those costumes haven’t aged a day! There’s a Ring here somewhere, perhaps one was kept back when the “One” Ring was destroyed in the movies. I’m just saying.

So, I’ve been on this blissful journey, and it’s actually really emotional. I’ve been posting some pics on the Fan Museum’s social media pages, and there’s excitement - even distress - from overseas fans because they can’t get to see these treasures again.

Sir Richard Taylor, please keep this display going so that overseas folk can come and see it once they start returning to NZ this year …. pleeeease.

It’s understated for a lot of Kiwis now, but LOTR is HUGE in the fan world.

It’s just so fun to go around the various locations in Wellington. Nice to be out in the city in our autumn weather. We managed a lovely walk along the waterfront in sunshine before the rain came down. But there’s not always a lot of folk around because Covid is still very much here. But, we’re careful, and it’s golden to have some exhibits to ourselves. Plus we enjoy some iconic Wellington locations, which are rightly so proud to be hosting these treasures.

Favourites?? Too hard! But the Elven armour up at the Skyline by the cable car is incredible - golden, delicate, intricate, and there’s a panoramic view out over Wellington harbour as the backdrop.. What could be better?

Wellington airport has a stunning collection of costumes that are displayed under the giant eagles. It’s fantastic that this gateway to NZ’s capital will be receiving overseas visitors again very very soon. Can’t wait.

And the piece de resistance must be the Weta Cave. There’s a room full of treasures from full hero costumes, including majestic 2nd age Gondorian armour (think Elendil), and Gondorian Ranger garb to detailed items such as the shards of Narsil, hobbit belts, Gimli’s axes etc etc etc.

And it’s so cool that much of the Weta Cave display is behind ropes rather than thick perspex. And, to top this all off, we’re allowed to take photos!!!

Just as this exhibition opened at the Weta Cave, my daughter and I paid homage by visiting in my fan-made costumes. That was our small tribute to the Weta team, and we were very well received.

I attach some photos of the costume trail, but of course they don’t do justice. I’m just blissing out. Kudos Weta Workshop. Cheers, Kathy